Welcome to Mahara - Bournemouth University's ePortfolio tool
Logging in
Log in with your standard BU username and password. Do not include '@bournemouth.ac.uk' in your username. E.g. s1234567 or asmith.
If you have any issues logging in contact the IT Service Desk.
What is Mahara?
Mahara is a tool used to build and display your ePortfolio.
- An ePortfolio is a collection of your reflections and experiences held together in one place online.
- Its purpose is to demonstrate your learning, skills, development and to record your achievements over time.
You can choose to share your e-Portfolio with different audiences. For example you could create:
- a page for your tutor, for assessment which includes reflection
- a page to showcase your best pieces of work and your CV for potential employers etc.
- A single page or a collection of pages can make up your portfolio.
Note: You may continue to use Mahara after you have completed your course but if your account is not used for more than 6 months it will be de-activated. If you require your account to be re-activated just contact the IT Service Desk.