Submission overview:

  • You will be advised by your tutor if you are required to submit your portfolio
  • Only your tutors will be able to see the submitted portfolio.

Before Submission:


  • Additional learning support students - if you will have marking guidelines applied to your assignments, when you submit your portfolio online you must include the term “ALS Marking Guidelines” in the title of your page or collection.

“ALS Marking Guidelines” will then be displayed on every page of your ePortfolio, ensuring your tutor is aware when marking your submission.


  • Include your name in the title of your ePortfolio.

This will assist markers and is good practice if sharing your portfolio with other lecturers or future employers.


  • Create a collection if you have more than one page to submit.

This will ensure the pages are submitting together, in the order you choose.

How to Submit:


  1. Go to the page or collection you want to submit
  2. At the bottom of the page you will see a Submit button
  3. Your tutor will assign you to a submission group, select this group from list and click Submit
  4. Once submitted you will still be able to view your portfolio, but you will not be able to make any changes. You will no longer see the Edit button
  5. Click Yes to confirm submission
  6. Your submission is Date and Time stamped within Mahara and this shows you have successfully submitted. You will not receive an email receipt.
  7. Within the group your tutor will see your portfolio and the date and time submitted.


If you have any issues submitting your Mahara e-Portfolio contact the IT Service Desk immediately and before the deadline.